Saturday, December 24, 2022

Merry Christmas Message: What's happening in the New Year...

An In-The-Trenches Sociological Experience

I've always said that a powerful combination occurs with in-the-trenches direct experience and formal education. As a sociologist, my sociology training has honed and fine tuned many areas of my natural abilities into expertise ~ when it comes to investigations and identifying serious social issues. Serious social issues include, but are not limited to:
  • Institutional Racism
  • Power imbalances
  • Corruption in organizations who continue to practice:
    • overt, modern-day oppression
    • bias 
    • coersive control 
These overt systematic and deep seeded cultural practices in Institutions are focused on marginalized people, particularly Indigenous people (as occurs in my investigative case).

Yours Truly, Sheila Wanite Bautz with 
an Introduction & Seasoned Greeting...

Serious Issues with Family Law in Saskatchewan, Canada

Currently, I am continuing to address many serious issues occurring with Family Law in the court system in Saskatchewan, Canada. Why let all this evidence and research go to waste? In my case, the dynamics of what is happening in Saskatchewan courtrooms, I circulated to the highest court in Canada. As such, I provided research and information in my factums for the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal (2020) and the Supreme Court of Canada (2021, 2022). My advocacy delves into the dynamics of bias and law, Child Abuse, Domestic Violence (Intimate Partner Violence IPV), coersive control and parental alienation ~ to name some of them. Life, or fate, ensured that I directly experienced it all and I gathered the evidence as a covert participant. 

Covert Participant Observations

In 2016, I was thrust into a situation with a family matter that provided the unwelcomed opportunity to experience being cast into a position where I could make Covert Participant Observations. Although there are certain criteria for Covert Participant Observations in Sociology (as explained in the image below) in my case, there are a couple differences with my investigative situation. They include, but are not limited, to:
  1. I was, and continue to be, very transparent. Everyone involved knew I was fine tuning my investigative abilities (certifications) and was being educated as a Sociologist. Everyone. However, people are generally unaware of exactly what Sociologists can do. 
  2. Sociologists also study the law, history, psychology, criminology, threat patterns and court cases. This proved to be highly beneficial in my case.
  3. Sociologists are analytical, esp the investigative types have a strong intuition and instincts, sensing and knowing where to look, when to advance and when to retract.
  4. I have a lot of experience investigating corruption, as I lost my rookie status after exposing work-related fatalities in the early 2000s. I compiled various credible evidence and statements, pressed criminal charges and attained thee 'smoking gun': a direct admission of fault on company letter head.
  5. I have a background working in government (in my 20's).
  6. I have never been dishonest nor unethical, and have acquired the direct dialogues and on record statements through avenues such as certified court transcripts and evidence filed with the courts.
  7. I. keep. everything.

Losing My Rookie Status: Back in Time For a Moment...

In 2005, I was still in investigative rookie status... and lost it. Picture it. Melfort. Saskatchewan. Canada. Law office. After a great deal of investigative work dealing with work-place fatalities in Canada, I took my evidence to a lawyer in pursuit of justice. His name was Mr. Kapoor. 

Initially, Mr. Kapoor told me not to waste his time due to the legal restrictions in Canada. I challenged him on his opinion, as I had a smoking gun: a direct admission of fault on company letter head from a major oil company.  

"Show me your smoking gun," he said with cool calculation.

I did. He read it. He looked at me.

He said as much to himself as to me, "What else do you have in that box? Show me." 

I opened my tickle trunk and kept handing him reports, facts and documented statements. I handed him the official criminal charges I managed to have pressed against one company. He examined my face thoughtfully.

Mr. Kapoor concluded, as if thinking aloud, "A woman with little education, trained as a secretary, seeks justice for her late husband's death and finds this... What could you do with training? Go back to University. Don't waste your mind." 

... I listened...

Music Video Credit: Pitbull, "Back In Time"

Picture it. 2018. Saskatoon. Saskatchewan. Court of Queen's Bench, at that time. Years of hell. Years of managing domestic violence and a RCMP investigation into child abuse committed by an admitted abusive man who on court record stated he attended a year long abusive men's program ~ and then some... Stay tuned for the REST of the story...

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Lady Sociology On The Web🕷🕸

 Good Evening Everyone,

This is my first blog post to introduce my sociology blog, Lady Sociology. Here you shall discover advocacy, "Fun Facts", legal articles, investigative/research tips, links to important studies and credible resources, and all sociology and law-related information. 


First, I am a Lady, a Scholar, a Writer and an Authoress with a knack for investigating. Second, I received my formal education ~  dual Honours BAs in Sociology & English ~ with the University of Saskatchewan. Third, as of this writing dear reader, I am also a Writing Instructor & Tutor with First Nations University of Canada. Fourth, my published articles, research essays, books (including a True Crime/Expose on work-related deaths in Canada entitled "Walking The Cutline: When Companies Kill"), and other information sharing, extends over the last couple decades. 

I have advocated for women and children, particularly Indigenous women, suffering from various abuses, such as child abuse and domestic violence with an appeal to the highest legal level with the Supreme Court of Canada. I assure you, I have a lot of informative, reputable information to share and general information on how corrupt organizations work to reveal to you. Always with the public's best interests in mind.

Human Rights is a passion of mine.

Thank you for visiting my Sociology blog. I shall be sharing a great deal of research ~ including resource links ~ and direct experiences with you, including my in the trenches advocacy.

Love from,

Lady Sociology

The King's Chamber of Secrets: Family Law & Courts in Saskatchewan

When it comes to Domestic Violence, Child Custody and the Saskatchewan Courts, skepticism is prevalent for those who have directly experien...